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Introduction to Web Development (HTML Series)

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Study Mode: Online / Offline
Enrolled: 997 students
Course view: 4841
Duration: Self-Paced Learning
Lectures: 23
Course Materials: Downloadable Videos
Video: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Course type: All Levels
Certificate of Completion: FREE
Introduction to Web Development (HTML Series)

The course titled “Introduction to Web Development (HTML Series)” is a great way to learn the basics of HTML, which is an essential component of web development.

The course focuses on the basics of HTML, such as hypertext, the web, and global structure. It covers topics such as elements, attributes, and text formatting, interactive web page components such as hyperlinks and images, and creating tables, forms, and frames.

The course will explain lists, how to create them, and their importance in creating an organized webpage. Additionally, students will learn how to format text, including headings and paragraphs, as well as work with tables, images, and multimedia.

Students that enroll for this course “Introduction to Web Development (HTML Series)” will learn how to create and edit webpages using HTML, how to structure a website for both humans and computers, and how to validate code with W3C standards. Furthermore, the course will provide students with a strong foundation in HTML and the skills needed to create professional and interactive web pages.

You can purchase this course with 23 lessons to get started and have access to 23 downloadable videos with an average of 2 hours, 30 minutes.

Each video provides a comprehensive lesson that covers all the fundamentals of the chosen topic and is designed to help viewers understand the material more deeply.

Through this course, you can gain a strong understanding of the topic by working through the lessons at your own pace and by viewing the associated videos






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Introduction to Web Development (HTML Series)
₦10,000 ₦3,000
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